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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Sewing Club: Stocking Decorations

If you get into any difficulty with a project you'll be able to ask me questions through the blog or on Twitter, and at the end of each project you'll have something beautiful and handmade!

We've got a bit of an easy one this week - Mini Stocking Tree Decorations

You will need:
Cardboard (to make your template)
Scraps of material
Metallic thread

Step 1:
Begin by drawing your stocking shape onto the cardboard, remembering to make it bigger to allow for your seams. As you can see, my template has been used to test stitches and all sorts, but I love it!

Step 2:
Use the template to cut out loads of stockings from different fabrics. Don't forget to turn the template over occasionally so you get an equal number of left facing and right facing stockings!

Step 3:
Fold over about a centimetre of fabric at the top of each piece, iron and then sew into place. This will give a neat edge to the opening of your stocking.

You don't need to cut the thread at the end of each seam, just carry on to the next piece.

Step 4:
Put two pieces together, right sides facing, and sew round the edge (leave the top open!). I'm not brilliant at sewing tight curves so I used a zig-zag stitch to make it a bit easier. Not quite as neat but it gets the job done!

 Step 5:
Once all your stockings are sewn together, trim the ends of the thread and turn the right way out. Iron flat.

Step 6:
Use a needle to pull the metallic thread through the stockings at the top and tie to form a loop.

Step 7:
Pop sweets, chocolates or mini bottles of Baileys in and hang them up! Obviously these would look best on a tree, but seeing as how I'm MOVING HOUSE TODAY(!!!) I do not yet have a tree.

I'd love to see your mini stocking creations so please, if you make some, send me pictures!

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